Hundred acre mission statement

Hundred Acre Tree Services is company that strives to make the customer experience informative, educational, and tailored to needs of the customer and tree. We take pride in our teamwork, utilization of the best tree practices, and enjoying our work.

john nienaber, Founder

After moving to Indianapolis in 2015, I quickly began to appreciate living in the midwest just for the trees. What started as urban tree harvesting for a friend who made furniture, developed into tree identification and biology, tree planting and growth, bonzai, and then tree climbing. Once I discovered the tree industry, I phased my construction work into tree work, surrounded myself with people who have amazing practices with trees, and dove into educating myself. With my community of tree people, my amazing team, and our commitment to great service, I look forward to serving the tree needs of Indianapolis.

John Massing, Arborist

Certified arborist since 2004. Worked with trees my whole adult life. Played among them since childhood. Studying facets of forestry related organisms and cultural practices fosters an understanding of the interface of people and trees in the urban environment.

Mike Marshall, lead groundsman

 I was exposed to tree work through two tree crews and found a quick connection with many aspects of the work. Living a life working with my hands, Iā€™m drawn to hard work that involves big equipment.  Being a team player has always been a part of my work, and the importance of teamwork in the tree industry makes me regularly look for ways to build our team.  Also, dropping trees does make for some great entertainment on the job.