Our Services

Indianapolis Pear Trim

Tree Pruning

Tree pruning is best performed on young trees, but older trees require maintenance as well.

Some reasons you may want to prune your trees

  • Helps promote good growth habits.

  • Less likely to have major limb failure.

  • Reduce risk of encroaching into another tree or building.

  • Removing safety hazards.

  • Irregular branch growth patterns, intersecting branches

  • Improving the aerodynamics of a tree which helps reduce tree failure in a wind storm. 

Tree Removal Indianapolis

Tree Removal

Tree repurpose Indianapolis

Tree removal is a last resort option for a tree that has outgrown its space and creates too much of a hazard, has been infected by a disease and is beyond treatment, or has reached a rapid rate of decline in its old age.

And while it is not our prerogative to eliminate trees, we do believe that homeowners have control of their property and may want to remove a tree because of nuisances. A scenario in which we would be happy to help but would also encourage new plantings with trees that would not create similar issues or in a place where a tree is free to grow.

tree health Indianapolis

Tree Health Care

Tree health care is the process of applying various fertilizers, pesticides, or hormone regulators that are applied to address certain issues within the tree.

Trees are the hosts of many different fungi and invasive bugs that can ultimately kill the tree. Our goal is to identify the issues and address it with a chemical treatment to encourage the health of the tree.

A very popular product for trees that are outgrowing their space is a growth hormone regulator. This application stunts canopy development. Treatments are regularly occurring and applied every 3 years.


Tree lighting is a common landscape design on feature trees in areas like Charleston SC and Dallas Texas. We would like to bring this to Indy.

The light can be downcast to light the space around the tree or in directions to illuminate the canopy.It creates another way in which a homeowner can appreciate and value their tree.

We take care of the light installation, and use licensed electricians for supplying power to the tree.

   Lifestyle Integrations

Tree swing installation Indianapolis
Tree House Indianapolis
Tree obstacles Indianapolis

At Hundred Acre, we believe that trees are more than just for looking at. As tree climbers, we get use the tree as an interactive playground, and our lifestyle integration service is an attempt to get to get people to interact with trees in a similar fashion.

We offer features like

We install features utilizing damage free methods as the tree continues to grow. We visually inspect the branch to make sure it is structurally sound.

  • tree swings

  • zip lines

  • obstacle features

  • tree houses

  Tree Planting

Tree planting Indianapolis

Three reasons to have Hundred Acre help plant your trees:

  • We love trees and want to be a part of maintaining their population.

  • Avoid poor planting practices to improve tree health.

  • Find an appropriate location to plant.

We are able to help homeowners explore what they want out of a tree and help guide them in tree selection and planting location process.