Tree planting

We have two very big incentives to include this service. The first is because we love trees and we want to be a part of maintaining their population. Along with tree planting comes a process which we have seen overlooked numerous times in our line of work. Some of those oversights include planting a tree that is not suitable for the location, i.e. too close to another tree, too close to a house, or in a spot that is too tight to accommodate a tree that grow large. We are able to help homeowners explore what they want out of a tree and help guide them in tree selection and location.

The second incentive comes from having ground out a lot of stumps that show signs of poor planting practices. This includes things like how deep to plant the tree, removing the root cage that comes with the tree from the nursery, reducing the likelihood of root girdle, among other things.

We also like to offer to customers whose trees we plant a pruning schedule for us to come back and their young trees. These are very cost effective programs, because of how much easier a small tree can be pruned compared to a large tree, and ensure that your tree is growing in a structurally sound manner. It will also reduce the chances of needing to have large pruning work done later in the trees life. A common misconception that we observe is that trees don’t need trimming for the first 35 years of their life, when in actuality, the majority of tree trimming should take place in the first 15 years of their life.